On a slightly more serious note, the response to last night’s livestream has been overwhelmingly kind, and while I am still processing it all, my gratitude is immense. I woke up with a knot in my stomach, my insides balled up with old fear and anxiety. Despite how glad I am to have said what I said, it’s definitely released a lot of old toxic feelings and who knows what else into my system… feelings that I’ve crammed into dark drawers of my soul for years. And fear of retaliation, backlash, judgement, etc. Now the challenge becomes sitting with these feelings, feelings I’ve done my best to clear out, but clearly the most stubborn have stuck around till now. Sitting with them, looking at them, accepting them and then sending them into the soil beneath me. Your support means a great deal, thank you. My heart feels like it’s two sizes bigger today, even if it is a little sore. And if what I said has shone a light into your own experience, I would just say to be aware that you may also feel what Brene Brown calls a “vulnerability hangover” by being brave enough to say #metoo. And if you get one of those, may I suggest doing something gentle and grounding. A walk in nature, a little bath, a chat with someone you love, pet a dog, cuddle a rabbit, do yoga, read a poem… whatever you can do to nourish your soul. It’s not easy to open up and let the old ghosts out. But it’s also liberating. Now that I’ve gone to a Matisse exhibition and walked in the park (and eaten some chocolate and journaled heavily) I’m actually feeling pretty ☺️